Ensure Unencrypted Memcached Instances (UDP:11211) is not exposed to more than 32 private hosts for Google Compute Firewall



Unencrypted Memcached Instances (UDP:11211) is exposed to more than 32 private hosts for Google Compute Firewall. Exposed ports may allow attackers to access the application listening on that port.


In GCP Console -

  1. Sign in to the Google Cloud Console.
  2. Open the Firewall page.
  3. Select the firewall rule you want to modify.
  4. Select Edit.
  5. Modify any of the components to meet the necessary specifications.
  6. Use a semicolon-delimited list to specify multiple protocols and protocol-and-destination-port combinations.
  7. Save.

Policy Details

Rule Reference ID: AC_GCP_0171
Remediation Available: Yes
Resource Category: Virtual Network
Resource Type: Network Firewall
