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Quantifying the attacker’s first-mover advantage

Tenable Research’s analysis shows that how the race begins is a key indicator of how it will end. But, security teams have the power to reclaim the advantage by developing a risk-centric mindset and more agile vulnerability management.

Download the report now to:

  • Find out more about Tenable Research’s analysis of the 50 most prevalent vulnerabilities
  • Get recommendations on how to reduce the attacker’s seven-day window of opportunity
  • Learn how real-world threat actor activity can be leveraged to prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation and mitigate the attacker’s first-mover advantage

Download the Report:
Quantifying the Attacker’s First-Mover Advantage

Ready, Set, Go!

In its inaugural report, Tenable Research explores who has the first-mover advantage – cyber criminals or security teams? What’s the difference in time between when an exploit is publicly available for a given vulnerability and the first time that security teams actually assess their systems? And why does this even matter to your organization?

The research team analyzed the 50 most prevalent critical and high-severity vulnerabilities from just under 200,000 vulnerability assessment scans over a three-month period. What did they find?

Alarmingly, all too often, the attackers have the advantage. On average, they have a seven-day head start on defenders. Threat actors are sprinting ahead, exploiting vulnerabilities before security teams have even left the starting blocks – before businesses even know they’re at risk.

Read Tenable Research summary
-7.3 Days
On average, attackers have a 7-day head start on defenders. The median delta was -7.3 days.
24% of analyzed vulnerabilities were being actively exploited by malware, ransomware or exploit kits in the wild.
76% of analyzed vulnerabilities have a negative delta. Attackers usually seize the first-mover advantage.
For 34%
of analyzed vulnerabilities, an exploit was available on the same day the vulnerability was disclosed.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

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Tenable Vulnerability Management

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Tenable Vulnerability Management 평가판은 전 세계를 대상으로(UAE 제외) 만들어졌으며 Tenable Lumin 및 Tenable Web App Scanning을 포함합니다.

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비교할 수 없는 정확도로 모든 자산을 확인하고 추적할 수 있는 최신 클라우드 기반 취약성 관리 플랫폼 전체에 액세스하십시오.

Tenable Vulnerability Management 평가판은 전 세계를 대상으로(UAE 제외) 만들어졌으며 Tenable Lumin 및 Tenable Web App Scanning을 포함합니다.

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