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Solutions for NERC Compliance

Protect Electrical Infrastructure From OT Security Threats

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Comply With NERC Requirements
완전한 OT 가시성, 보안 및 컨트롤

The ongoing growth of cyber threats continues to pose risk to our nation’s critical infrastructure

Electrical and grid providers must take steps to protect themselves while also complying with the standards of the NERC CIP (North American Electric Reliability Corporation - Critical Infrastructure Protection). NERC CIP are a set of standards that preserve and enhance the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES). The objective of the CIP is to protect the critical infrastructure elements necessary for the reliable operation of this system.

Tenable OT Security provides the visibility, security and control to grid and electrical and ensure the safety and security of BES and other assets by continuously monitoring the OT and SCADA networks for vulnerabilities, threats, and issues in compliance and security.

Read more about how Tenable OT Security helps you comply with NERC CIP.

Solutions to Maintain NERC CIP Compliance

Tenable OT Security protects industrial networks from cyber threats, malicious insiders, and human error. Tenable’s ICS security capabilities identify and predictively prioritize threats and vulnerabilities to maximize the safety and reliability of OT environments.

360 Visibility

360 Visibility

360 visibility into your converged attack surface while measuring and controlling cyber risk across your OT and IT systems.

위협 탐지 및 완화

위협 탐지 및 완화

Identifying policy violations, detecting anomalous behaviors and tracking signatures for potential high-risk events.

Adaptive Assessment

Adaptive Assessment

Deep insights and unparalleled situational awareness into your infrastructure without impacting operations.

위험 기반 취약성 관리

위험 기반 취약점 관리

VPR scoring identifies vulnerabilities and risk levels for each asset, along with mitigation suggestions.

구성 컨트롤

구성 제어

Configuration Control - a full history of device configuration changes over time. This enables administrators to establish a backup snapshot with the "last known good state".

Tenable OT Security
실제 작동 보기

“저희는 모든 솔루션을 심도 있게 조사했습니다. 그 결과, Tenable이 확실한 선택이었습니다.” Matt Ramberg, Sanmina의 정보 보안 담당 부사장

Tenable Vulnerability Management

비교할 수 없는 정확도로 모든 자산을 확인하고 추적할 수 있는 최신 클라우드 기반 취약성 관리 플랫폼 전체에 액세스하십시오.

Tenable Vulnerability Management 평가판은 Tenable Lumin 및 Tenable Web App Scanning을 포함합니다.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

비교할 수 없는 정확도로 모든 자산을 확인하고 추적할 수 있는 최신 클라우드 기반 취약성 관리 플랫폼 전체에 액세스하십시오. 지금 연간 구독을 구입하십시오.

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Tenable Vulnerability Management

비교할 수 없는 정확도로 모든 자산을 확인하고 추적할 수 있는 최신 클라우드 기반 취약성 관리 플랫폼 전체에 액세스하십시오.

Tenable Vulnerability Management 평가판은 Tenable Lumin 및 Tenable Web App Scanning을 포함합니다.

Tenable Vulnerability Management

비교할 수 없는 정확도로 모든 자산을 확인하고 추적할 수 있는 최신 클라우드 기반 취약성 관리 플랫폼 전체에 액세스하십시오. 지금 연간 구독을 구입하십시오.

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