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Know Your Exposure: Is Your Cloud Data Secure in the Age of AI?

Sessions for EMEA and North American Time Zones

Join us at 10 am BST or 11 am EDT, October 22, 2024

Join Tenable to explore a unified approach to cloud security that breaks down silos to protect your entire cloud stack, including data and AI resources.

In a world where 92% of companies have faced cloud breaches involving sensitive data, it's time to highlight the hidden risks lurking in your cloud infrastructure. Join Tenable cloud security experts as they unveil strategies to discover, prioritize, and mitigate data exposure threats in multi-cloud environments.

Through discussion and demonstration of Tenable Cloud Security, this session will share:

  • How to automate discovery of sensitive data across your cloud landscape
  • Insights on leveraging identity management to prioritize data risks effectively
  • Strategies to enforce least privilege access and AI configuration best practices
  • Live Q&A to address your specific questions

누가 참석해야 합니까?
Cloud architects and infosec professionals responsible for managing and reducing risk across public- and hybrid-cloud environments.

참석을 예약하십시오. 지금 등록하십시오.
If you can’t make the live session, register anyway and we’ll email you a link to the replay.


Photo of Liat Hayun, Vice President, Product Management, Tenable

Liat Hayun

Tenable 제품 관리 부사장

Photo of Nagraj Seshadri, Vice President, Marketing, Tenable

Nagraj Seshadri

Vice President, Marketing, Tenable

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