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주문형 웨비나

Tenable.io 고객 업데이트, 2022년 5월


Tune in for product updates and how-to guidance for getting more value from Tenable.io.

All Tenable.io customers are encouraged to participate in this on-demand webinar.

Topics covered include:

  • What's new and coming soon in Tenable.io
  • How-to: Who is Conti, and how can you identify potential attack paths they exploit?

누가 참석해야 합니까?
Tenable customers interested in learning how to use Tenable.io more effectively are encouraged to attend this webinar.

지금 등록하고 주문형 웨비나를 시청하십시오.


Photo of Scott Mohnkern,  Senior Services Architect II, Tenable

Scott Mohnkern

Senior Services Architect II, Tenable

Photo of Satnam Narang, Senior Staff Research Engineer, Tenable

Satnam Narang

Senior Staff Research Engineer, Tenable

Photo of Sandeep Potdar, Principal Product Manager, Tenable

Sandeep Potdar

Principal Product Manager, Tenable

지금 주문형 웨비나를 시청하십시오.