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Achieving Least Privilege in Azure

Achieving Least Privilege in Azure For Identity and Access Management (IAM) to be scalable, consistent and effective, organizations should consider a comprehensive solution that works in concert with their underlying security controls to enable visibility, protection, detection, remediation, audit and automation of security controls. Furthermore, it should leverage built-in operationalization features like maturity modeling, allowing organizations to effectively track progress at scale and over time.

This paper guides organizations either building or migrating applications to the public cloud on The importance of securing IAM data in Microsoft Azure can't be overstated. We'll start by explaining the shared responsibility model and lay the foundation of achieving the PoLP. Then, we'll show you how you can take security to the next level with Tenable Cloud Security's unique identity-first approach.

이 백서에서는 다음에 대해 알아봅니다.

  • 과도한 액세스 권한으로 인해 위협 행위자가 중요한 데이터를 훔치거나 인프라의 일부분을 삭제하는 방식
  • How to begin your journey to least privilege on Azure
  • The steps to take for continuous enforcement of least privilege access 

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