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Blackbox to blueprint: The security leader’s guidebook to managing OT and IT risk

Blackbox to blueprint: The security leader’s guidebook to managing OT and IT riskIn today’s evolving digital landscape, security leaders are finding themselves responsible for securing an ever-expanding attack surface – spanning from the IT network to interconnected operational technology (OT) and IoT devices found in building facilities and data centers. As organizations continue to embrace digital transformation, the convergence of OT and IT introduces new security challenges and vulnerabilities.

Download this essential guide to building a future-proof security strategy!

What you’ll learn:

In this guide, we explore actionable strategies to fortify your organization’s OT security posture and extend your IT vulnerability management strategy to safeguard OT and IoT.

  • Considerations for securing hybrid environments: Dive into proven strategies for gaining visibility into OT and IT assets, even when legacy systems and proprietary protocols are involved.
  • Tips to prevent operational disruption: Learn why traditional IT security tools are not sufficient for OT environments and how purpose-built solutions can help ensure both security and operational continuity.
  • How to streamline compliance and reporting: Understand the unique compliance challenges of securing converged OT/IT environments and how to streamline and automate audit, reporting and regulatory compliance processes.

Download the eBook